Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Working fo' free

After a little over 2 weeks of being cooped up in my apartment (think The Shining) I decided it was time to get out and meet some of the laid back country folk. Seeing a billboard looking for help to "light the city of Dillon" I recognized my calling and punched the numbers. I really had no idea what to expect, but after a few confusing phone calls and a couple weeks later, I was standing in front of boxes of fake trees waiting to be put together. I have had some volunteer experience before that was uneventful, but this was actually pretty fun. We decorated a few rooms where children from the city will come in and create ornaments and we also decorated Santa's room where they will come in and get their pictures taken. When doing the decorating this pro-ject, I met the Mayor of Dillon Ron Holland. He was a very strange guy but very nice. I didn't take pictures of the setup, but I will when I return tomorrow.

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