Friday, November 26, 2010

It's time to keep track..

Well, it finally happened, I have been encouraged to start one of these blog-type-deals. I wasn't buying it at first, as I couldn't imagine anyone would really care to follow along, but then she (Stacey Hall, blog Goddess) was able to strike the chord that usually pushes me to do anything really productive, my narcissism. She promised it would be a good way to keep track of what was going on at this point in my life. I really can't argue with good ideas, so here we go..

I have made the journey to Dillon, Colorado. I guess there is only one way I can really explain on how/why I ended up here.. have you ever felt that thing in you that says, "What are you waiting for? Get out there!" Well, that pretty much has gotten me to where I type today. It was a horribly selfish move as I have family and friends that I have left without much of a warning. They have been nothing but encouraging, but it does create a bit of guilt on my account. I trust that everyone will forgive me after a few rounds of beer.

Here's a quick video of my rental. I only brought a few things as it came fully furnished, so trust that I do not have an affinity for the 70s.

<3 BC <3

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